- Campus and Region
Name/Title | Degree From | Specialization | Info |
Alan Gilchrist PhD | Rutgers | Psychology |
How the human visual system computes perceived shades of black, gray or white from the pattern of relative intensities of light in the retinal image. Email: alan@psychology.rutgers.eduLink: http://www.psych.rutgers.edu/ |
Ann Cali PhD | Ohio State | Biology |
Parasitologist specializing in the Microsporidia -a group of spore-forming intracellular parasitic Protista, infecting human and animals. Discovery of new organisms in man, their developmental biology, ultrastructure, pathology and epidemiology. Email: anncali@newark.rutgers.eduLink: http://newarkbiosci.rutgers.edu/ |
Barry Komisaruk PhD | Rutgers | Psychology |
Neural biofeedback to alleviate pain from spinal cord injuries. Email: brk@andromeda.rurtgers.eduLink: http://psychology.rutgers.edu/~brk/ |
Bart Rypma PhD | Georgia Institute of Technology | Psychology |
Working memory; reasoning; cognitive aging; prefrontal cortical functioning. Email: rypma@psychology.rutgers.eduLink: http://psychology.rutgers.edu/~rypma/ |
Daniel E. Murnick PhD | MIT | Physics |
Laser-based analysis of stable isotopes and Carbon 14 for biomedical studies. Email: murnick@andromeda.rutgers.eduLink: http://www.rutgers-newark.rutgers.edu/~physics/ |
Edward M. Bonder PhD | Pennsylvania | Biology |
Nonmuscle cell motility; molecular motors, developmental axis formation, and wound healing. Email: ebonder@newark.rutgers.eduLink: http://bonderosa.rutgers.edu/ |
Elise L. Lev EdD | Columbia | Nursing |
Analysis of self-efficacy- enhancing intervention given to women with breast cancer. Email: eliselev@andromeda.rutgers.eduLink: http://nursing.rutgers.edu/academic-programs/acad-progs.htm |
Farzan Nadim PhD | Boston | Biology |
How networks of neurons in the central nervous system generate rhythmic motor activity. Email: farzan@newark.rutgers.eduLink: http://newarkbiosci.rutgers.edu/ |
Frank Jordan PhD | Pennsylvania | Chemistry |
Elucidation of the structure, mechanism, and folding of enzyme catalyzed reactions, specifically enzymes that utilize thiamin diphosphate (the vitamin B1 Coenzyme) and serine proteases. Email: fjordan@andromeda.rutgers.eduLink: http://www.rutgers-newark.rutgers.edu/chemistry/ |
Haesun Kim PhD | Cincinnati | Biology |
Cell and molecular biology of oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells. Email: haekim@newark.rutgers.eduLink: http://newarkbiosci.rutgers.edu/ |
Huixin He PhD | Peking University | Chemistry |
Pursues research in the field of nanomaterials, including fabrication and exploration their novel properties for nanoelectronics and ultra-sensitive chem./biosensors. Email: Huixinhe@newark.rutgers.eduLink: http://www.andromeda.rutgers.edu/~huixinhe/huixinhe.html |
James Tepper PhD | Colorado | Neuroscience |
Neurophysiological, neuropharmacological, and neuroanatomical examination of the functional circuitry of the basal ganglia. Email: tepper@axon.rutgers.eduLink: http://garcia.rutgers.edu, Link: http://ins.rutgers.edu/ |
Joan Morrell PhD | Rochester | Neuroscience |
Steroid hormone dependent reproductive behavior, particularly maternal behavior, with an emphasis on examining the systems that mediate maternal motivation. Email: morrell@axon.rutgers.eduLink: http://ins.rutgers.edu/ |
Jorge Golowasch PhD | Brandeis | Biology |
Mechanisms of long-term homeostatic changes of neuronal molecules in response to removal of input from the central nervous system. Email: golowasch@stg.rutgers.eduLink: http://newarkbiosci.rutgers.edu/ |
Judith Weis PhD | New York University | Biology |
Health of festuarine organisms in response to environmental stressors, including toxic contaminants, parasites, and invasive species. Email: jweis@andromeda.rutges.eduLink: http://newarkbiosci.rutgers.edu/Faculty/weis/weis.htm |
Kenneth Kressel PhD | Columbia | Psychology |
Nature and dynamics of conflict among scientists and the role of third party mediators in resolving such disputes. Email: kkressel@psychology.rutgers.eduLink: http://psychology.rutgers.edu/~kkressel/ |
Kent Harber PhD | Stanford | Psychology |
Interracial feedback and social support; manner in which people provide and receive emotional help from others, and effects of social support on coping. Email: kharber@psychology.rutgers.eduLink: http://www.psych.rutgers.edu/ |
Laszlo Zaborszky PhD | Semmelweis, Hungary | Neuroscience |
Basal forebrain anatomy and electrophysiology. Email: zaborsky@axon.rutgers.eduLink: http://www.bns.rutgers.edu/~zaborsky |
Richard Mendelsohn PhD | MIT | Chemistry |
Spectroscopic characterization of monolayer films related to pulmonary surfactant, and the development of infrared imaging technology for the study of bone disease. Email: mendelso@andromeda.rutgers.eduLink: http://www.rutgers-newark.rutgers.edu/chemistry/ |