Faculty Areas of Specialization

Name/Title Degree From Specialization Info
Alan Gilchrist PhD Rutgers Psychology

How the human visual system computes perceived shades of black, gray or white from the pattern of relative intensities of light in the retinal image.

Email: alan@psychology.rutgers.edu
Link: http://www.psych.rutgers.edu/
Ann Cali PhD Ohio State Biology

Parasitologist specializing in the Microsporidia -a group of spore-forming intracellular parasitic Protista, infecting human and animals. Discovery of new organisms in man, their developmental biology, ultrastructure, pathology and epidemiology.

Email: anncali@newark.rutgers.edu
Link: http://newarkbiosci.rutgers.edu/
Barry Komisaruk PhD Rutgers Psychology

Neural biofeedback to alleviate pain from spinal cord injuries.

Email: brk@andromeda.rurtgers.edu
Link: http://psychology.rutgers.edu/~brk/
Bart Rypma PhD Georgia Institute of Technology Psychology

Working memory; reasoning; cognitive aging; prefrontal cortical functioning.

Email: rypma@psychology.rutgers.edu
Link: http://psychology.rutgers.edu/~rypma/
Daniel E. Murnick PhD MIT Physics

Laser-based analysis of stable isotopes and Carbon 14 for biomedical studies.

Email: murnick@andromeda.rutgers.edu
Link: http://www.rutgers-newark.rutgers.edu/~physics/
Edward M. Bonder PhD Pennsylvania Biology

Nonmuscle cell motility; molecular motors, developmental axis formation, and wound healing.

Email: ebonder@newark.rutgers.edu
Link: http://bonderosa.rutgers.edu/
Elise L. Lev EdD Columbia Nursing

Analysis of self-efficacy- enhancing intervention given to women with breast cancer.

Email: eliselev@andromeda.rutgers.edu
Link: http://nursing.rutgers.edu/academic-programs/acad-progs.htm
Farzan Nadim PhD Boston Biology

How networks of neurons in the central nervous system generate rhythmic motor activity.

Email: farzan@newark.rutgers.edu
Link: http://newarkbiosci.rutgers.edu/
Frank Jordan PhD Pennsylvania Chemistry

Elucidation of the structure, mechanism, and folding of enzyme catalyzed reactions, specifically enzymes that utilize thiamin diphosphate (the vitamin B1 Coenzyme) and serine proteases.

Email: fjordan@andromeda.rutgers.edu
Link: http://www.rutgers-newark.rutgers.edu/chemistry/
Haesun Kim PhD Cincinnati Biology

Cell and molecular biology of oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells.

Email: haekim@newark.rutgers.edu
Link: http://newarkbiosci.rutgers.edu/
Huixin He PhD Peking University Chemistry

Pursues research in the field of nanomaterials, including fabrication and exploration their novel properties for nanoelectronics and ultra-sensitive chem./biosensors.

Email: Huixinhe@newark.rutgers.edu
Link: http://www.andromeda.rutgers.edu/~huixinhe/huixinhe.html
James Tepper PhD Colorado Neuroscience

Neurophysiological, neuropharmacological, and neuroanatomical examination of the functional circuitry of the basal ganglia.

Email: tepper@axon.rutgers.edu
Link: http://garcia.rutgers.edu, Link: http://ins.rutgers.edu/
Joan Morrell PhD Rochester Neuroscience

Steroid hormone dependent reproductive behavior, particularly maternal behavior, with an emphasis on examining the systems that mediate maternal motivation.

Email: morrell@axon.rutgers.edu
Link: http://ins.rutgers.edu/
Jorge Golowasch PhD Brandeis Biology

Mechanisms of long-term homeostatic changes of neuronal molecules in response to removal of input from the central nervous system.

Email: golowasch@stg.rutgers.edu
Link: http://newarkbiosci.rutgers.edu/
Judith Weis PhD New York University Biology

Health of festuarine organisms in response to environmental stressors, including toxic contaminants, parasites, and invasive species.

Email: jweis@andromeda.rutges.edu
Link: http://newarkbiosci.rutgers.edu/Faculty/weis/weis.htm
Kenneth Kressel PhD Columbia Psychology

Nature and dynamics of conflict among scientists and the role of third party mediators in resolving such disputes.

Email: kkressel@psychology.rutgers.edu
Link: http://psychology.rutgers.edu/~kkressel/
Kent Harber PhD Stanford Psychology

Interracial feedback and social support; manner in which people provide and receive emotional help from others, and effects of social support on coping.

Email: kharber@psychology.rutgers.edu
Link: http://www.psych.rutgers.edu/
Laszlo Zaborszky PhD Semmelweis, Hungary Neuroscience

Basal forebrain anatomy and electrophysiology.

Email: zaborsky@axon.rutgers.edu
Link: http://www.bns.rutgers.edu/~zaborsky
Richard Mendelsohn PhD MIT Chemistry

Spectroscopic characterization of monolayer films related to pulmonary surfactant, and the development of infrared imaging technology for the study of bone disease.

Email: mendelso@andromeda.rutgers.edu
Link: http://www.rutgers-newark.rutgers.edu/chemistry/